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  • How do I get a login and password to CM/ECF?

    Please visit the Attorney E-Filing Access page for more information.

  • Do I need to file a notice of motion setting in your court?

    No.  The Clerk's Office will prepare a notice of motion setting for any contradictory motion filed with the court.

  • When electronically filing a new suit, can any form of payment be made other than by credit card?

    Yes. allows two options.  1) by ACH (Automated Clearing House) which allows a filer to enter checking account information and the funds will be withdrawn from that account, and 2) by credit card.

  • I'm having problems while e-filing or viewing a document. What do I do?

    Most of your technical issues can be solved by clearing your browser’s cache. Click here for more information about clearing your browser’s cache.  If your problem still persists, contact our Help Desk by calling 1-866-323-1011, or emailing us at  

  • I am having trouble logging into PACER. Can you help me with my login and password?

    No.  PACER is a separate entity from the court.  Please contact PACER for any login and password issues.

  • Most of your technical issues with CM/ECF can be solved by clearing your browser's cache.
  • What should we do when an attorney leaves the firm?

    Contact information changes must be made via  PACER will electronically transmit the updates to all selected NextGen CM/ECF courts.

    Go to

    1. Log in to Manage My Account.
    2. Click the Maintenance tab.
    3. Click Update Address Information.
    4. Apply Updates to Selected Courts (Select All Applicable Courts).
    5. Follow prompts to complete the request.

    You will then need to wait for the court to accept your updated information before the changes are activated.

  • How do I get a login and password to electronically file in CM/ECF?

    Only attorneys admitted to practice in the Western District of Louisiana or appearing provisionally (such as an attorney appearing pro hac vice, or representing the United States) will be authorized to electronically file documents in this court.  For e-filing access, attorneys must submit a request via PACER.

    Go to

    1. Log in to Manage My Account.
    2. Click the Maintenance tab.
    3. Click Attorney Admissions/E-File Registration.
    4. Select District Court.
    5. Select Western District of Louisiana.
    6. Click the E-File Registration Only button.
    7. Follow prompts to complete all sections of E-File Registration.

    You will then need to wait for the court to process the request before e-filing privileges are activated.  You will receive an automated email once your request has been processed.

    To learn more about submitting a new e-file request, review the electronic learning module for the Manage My Account Maintenance tab in PACER.

  • I am an attorney and my address or contact information has changed. How do I update this information with the Court?

    Since this Court has upgraded to NextGen CM/ECF, attorneys must submit address changes through  Please follow the instructions below to update your address:

    Go to

    1. Log in to Manage My Account.
    2. Click the Maintenance tab.
    3. Click Update Address Information.
    4. Apply Updates to Selected Courts (Select All Applicable Courts).
    5. Follow prompts to complete the request.

    Once the changes have been applied to the Western District of Louisiana, the court will need to process the request before the changes are updated in CM/ECF.

  • How do I get admitted to practice in the Western District of Louisiana?

    Becoming admitted to practice in the Western District of Louisiana is now available online.

    Go to

    1. Log in to Manage My Account.
    2. Click the Maintenance tab.
    3. Click Update Attorney Admissions/E-File Registration.
    4. Select District Court.
    5. Select Western District of Louisiana.
    6. Click Attorney Admission and E-File.
    7. Complete all sections of Attorney Admission.  Required information is indicated by the red * asterisks.
    8. Upload required documents: 1) Endorsement Certificate* and 2) Certificate of Good Standing** from Louisiana Supreme Court or the Louisiana Bar Association.
    9. Select Payment Information.
    10. Acknowledge, read, and agree to terms, conditions, and local requirements.
    11. Submit.

    After the Court approves the petition for admission, the attorney will receive an email to submit payment.  After payment is processed, the Court will finalize the petition and mail the attorney a Certificate of Admission.

    *Endoresment Certificate must be completed by an attorney who is already admitted to practice, in "Active" status, and in good standing with the Western District of Louisiana.
    **Certificate of Good Standing must be of recent date (within last six months).
