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Request for Quotation #23-25105172023_Flooring

Open Market
Date Posted: 
Due Date and Time: 
06/01/2023 - 14:00
The U.S. District Court has a courtroom and ancillary area located at 515 Murray Street, Alexandria, La. This area contains approximately 1,500 sq’ area which needs cyclical maintenance upgrades. At this time the Court would like to remove all carpeting and replace. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS/INFORMATION: 1. Existing Carpet a. Remove and dispose of all existing carpet. b. The contractor shall prepare floors to receive industry standard installation of direct glue carpet. c. The contractor shall supply and provide industry standard carpet meeting the minimum specifications. d. Work areas are always to be kept clean. e. All walls, door frames, and baseboard moldings are to be protected from damage from carpet handling. f. All material and workmanship shall meet building standards. g. All trash is the contractor’s responsibility to be removed from site daily. Building dumpsters shall not be used for disposal.

Modification# 1 for Quotation # 23-25105172023  See Attached file.