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If another attorney is representing the same party you are representing, and they are receiving notices from the court, you may prepare a letter to the Clerk of Court advising that you no longer wish to receive notice in the instant case. The letter may be electronically filed using the Request to No Longer Receive Service event found under Service of Process category in CM/ECF. Otherwise, a motion to withdraw as counsel (Local Rule 83.2.11) would be required.
Call the CM/ECF Help Desk at 1-866-323-1101 during regular business hours for instructions.
On occasion, items that can not be scanned (i.e., video depositions, audio media, etc.) but are exhibits to an e-filing must be submitted to the court. Be sure that the e-filing includes a Notice of Manual Attachment. See the Local Forms page for a fillable version of the Notice of Manual Attachment.
After the e-filing is complete, mail or deliver the manual attachment along with a copy of the Notice of Manual Attachment to the divsiion of the Clerk's Office where the presiding judge of the case sits. See our Home Page for a listing of the divisional offices and addresses for the Western District of Louisiana. -
During business hours (8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST) on the same day of the error: Call the Help Desk at 1-866-323-1101, and the Financial Section can CANCEL the charges to your credit card without needing a refund.
After business hours OR on a different day the error was made: Call the Help Desk at 1-866-323-1101, and the Financial Section will process a refund to your credit card. -
The Financial Management Services maintains a list of certified companies. Click HERE to view ( )
Please visit the online tutorial page for e-filing a Notice of Removal.
Not necessarily. Administrative entries are entered during the quality control process of e-filed documents. Some common reasons for entering Administrative Entries include:
- If a motion containing multiple reliefs (i.e., Motion to Dismiss and for Attorney' Fees) is filed with only one relief (i.e., Motion to Dismiss). The additional relief sought (i.e., Attorney's Fees) will need to be entered as an administrative entry.
- If an e-filed document is filed using the wrong event (i.e., Motion to Intervene e-filed as a Complaint in Intervention). The correct event is entered as an Administrative Entry. Other corrections to the docket sheet may need to be made.
- If two or more documents are filed as one (i.e., Answer to Complaint and Motion to Dismiss filed as one pleading), an administrative entry will be entered to capture the part of the pleading that was not properly e-filed.
- If a jury demand is requested in the pleading, but not captured during e-filing, an administrative entry will be entered to ensure a jury is present during the trial.
- When a Notice of Removal or Response to Removal Order is filed, some state court pleadings will be docketed as an administrative entry.
Leave of court is required to file documents under seal unless the purpose to seal is pursant to the E-Government Act. The events Motion to Seal Attached Document, Sealed Motion (Sealed Pleading in Civil and Sealed Entry in Criminal), and Sealed Document (Sealed Pleading in Civil and Sealed Entry in Criminal) allow for filing under seal. The Clerk's Office will review the submission and notify you if corrective action should be taken. To submit an exhibit or attachment to a non-sealed pleading, e-file the pleading with all attachments EXCEPT the sealed attachments. Then, e-file a Motion to Seal Attached Document and include the sealed exhibit(s) as an attachment. The court will rule on the motion, and , if granted, the Clerk's Office will enter the sealed exhibit(s) on the docket sheet.
If a document or exhibit has already been filed in the case, and it now needs to be sealed, you may file a Motion to Seal Previously Filed Document. If the motion is granted, the Clerk's Office will set the seal restriction for the requested document or exhibit.
Transcripts should be obtained by contacting the court reporter. To determine which court report transcribed the hearing, review the minutes of the proceeding. Visit our Court Reporters & Transcript page for more information.
No. Only the missing part should be submitted by using the Corrective Document event which can be found under Other Filings/Other Documents.
This court's file size limit is currently 50 megabytes (mb) per PDF. So, each attachment can be up to 50mb.
Each judge has his or her own requirements for courtesy copies. Please see the Chambers page and view each judge for their courtesy copy information.
No. This court will automatically issue summonses once the filing fee has been paid or if in forma pauperis status has been granted. You may also request that a summons be reissued by e-filing a Request for Issuance of Summons.
Unless the Disclosure/Discovery Document/Subpoena is filed in connection with a motion or otherwise ordered by the court, it is not filed in the record. Local and federal rules do not allow for routine filing of discovery including disclosures under F.R.Civ.P. 26(a)(1) or (2). See Local Rule 26.5 and F.R.Civ.P. 5(d) for more information.
To search for an event, click Search on the blue menu bar. When searching for an event, one word searches deliver more results and may help you locate the most appropriate event for your filing.
When you e-file a PDF document, you may be providing more information in that document than you can see via your PDF reader software. Some redaction techniques used when e-filing are ineffective, in that the text intended to be hidden or deleted can be read via a variety of ways. And, because information about the document, call metadata, is also stored inside the document, it is often viewable as well. Examples of metadata and hidden data include the name and type of file, the name of the author, the location of the file on your file server, the full-sized version of a cropped picture, and prior revisions of the text. E-filers must use extra care to make sure that the PDF documents to be submitted to CM/ECF are fully and completely free of any hidden data which may contain information intended to be redacted. The protection of sensitive data can be compromised if improper redaction techniques are used.
Here are a couple of examples of sensitive data visibility issues: Highlighting text in black or using a black box over the date in MS Word or Adobe Acrobat will not protect the data from being able to be seen. Changing the text color to white so it disappears against the white screen/paper is similarly ineffective. Previous revisions and deleted text may be able to be seen by manipulating an Adobe Acrobat file. Fortunately, there are effective means of eliminating this metadata from electronic documents. Probably the simplest method is to omit the information from the original document and save the redacted version with a new name. For example, "REDACTED," then convert to PDF. While the court does not endorse and specific method, and the responsibility for redacting personal identifiers rests solely with the parties, commercially-available software can be used to redact, not just hide, the sensitive information. Redax ( and RapidRedact ( are two examples of commercial products used by some. Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Professional and above as well as WordPerfect XIV both contain redaction tools. Search the web for resources that may be useful to you. -
Yes. If you set up an "Out of Office" message in your e-mail, please make sure that the e-mail address is set up as an exception to the automatic reply rule set up with your "Out of Office" e-mail notice.
There is no defined limit, but depending on each document size and the amount of documents, the system could "time out." The attorney will receive a blank screen near the end of completing the entry or an error message. It is recommended to keep the number of attachments in the area of 30 - 40 (depending on size). The attorney may need to make more than one entry as necessary to file all documents in the record.
You may specify cases you would like to receive noticing on by logging into CM/ECF, click on the Utilities link on the white menu bar and then click on Mantain Your E-mail. Click on the desired address in the left pane. Under the Case-specific Options, type the case number in the field and click Find This Case. If more than one case is displayed, check the box next to the appropriate case and click Add Case(s). The case should appear in the box below. After you have entered all desired cases, click Submit all changes in the left pane.
You may add or change email information by logging into CM/ECF, click on the Utilties link on the blue bar and then click on Maintain Your Email.
- may be accessed from any computer capable of accessing the Internet using a web browser. Windows users may use Internet Explorer 6 or higher, Mozilla 1.4 and 1.75, or Firefox 1.5 or higher. Mac OS X users may use Safari 1.2 or higher. Other operating systems or browsers may be used to access, but such use is untested and unsupported at this time.
It is likely that your PACER account is not linked to your CM/ECF account, OR you may not have e-filing permissions in this district. Click HERE for more information on NextGen CM/ECF.
When a document is filed in CM/ECF, a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) is automatically generated and e-mailed to ALL parties and/or attorneys who are registered with an e-mail address unless noticing for a particular party/attorney has been deactivated. the NEF includes the text of the docket entry, the unique electronic document stamp, and a list of the case participants receiving or not receiving e-mail notification of the filing, and a hyperlink to the actual document filed. Most recipients will receive one free look at the document.
If the document is filed under seal or includes any manual attachments (sealed or otherwise), the filer is responsible for sending a copy to the other parties/attorneys in the case. The court does not notice/serve sealed documents filed by the parties. -
Electronic access to Social Security Administration appeal case documents and criminal cases filed prior to November 1, 2004 is limited to parties in the case. If you are an attorney of record in a case of either type, your CM/ECF account must be linked to your INDIVIDUAL upgraded PACER account (and you must be logged in). All others interested in these documents should contact the Clerk's Office for more information. Documents in non-sealed criminal cases filed on or after November 1, 2004 are available electronically through PACER.
Yes. The public can access non-sealed case data at the public terminal located in the Clerk's Office lobby.
You may change your e-mail information by logging into CM/ECF and clicking Utilities on the white menu bar and then on Maintain Your E-mail. To change your mailing address, log into and Manager Your Account to update your information. Be sure to click the Western District of Louisiana when transmitting/completing your update.
All documents must be submitted in PDF with an extension of ".pdf." Two common erros occur: first a user thinks that they saved the document in PDF. The user then tries to file the word-processing version of the document instead of the PDF version. Second, a user fails to indicate the full path name for the PDF file. Because the system cannot find the file, it responded with the "format not recognized" messaged. The solution: Provide the full path name withen identifying the file during the upload process. Ensure your document is a PDF document.
There are several ways in which you can get a document from a word-processing program into PDF. Software should be configured for "black & white," 300dpi (minimum) and searchable. The newer versions of some common word-processors include the ability to publish to or save as a PDF builty right into the word-processing software. In WordPerfect, you can click on File and then "Publish to PDF" to convert your WordPerfect file (.wpd) to PDF. Other word-processors do not have this capability, and you will need software, such as Adobe Acrobat, that will work along with your word-processor to convert to PDF.
Please check your spam-blocking preferences. This may prevent your from receiving notices of electronic filing. You should verify that "" is listed as an acceptable address. You may also want to review the Configuration Options within Maintain Your Email in CM/ECF to ensure your email address should be receiving notices. If you ruled out all possible technical difficulties on your end, contact our Help Desk at 1-866-323-1101 or email us at for additional help.
The "free look" expires after 15 days and applies to the main document only. Do not double-click the link on the NEF, this will "kill" your "free look."
No. Filings must either be e-filed in CM/ECF (mandatory for attorneys) or manually filed with an original signature
Unless ordered to do so by the court, subpoenas are not routinely filed in the record.
No. The Clerk's Office can not predict when the judge will make his/her decision in any case.
The 50mb limit is per PDF. You may split your exhibits into smaller PDFs and then upload them into CM/ECF. If your exhibits had to be scanned into PDFs, you may want to check the resolution settings of the scanner. The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts recommends 300dpi as the minimum resolution for scanned documents.
Please visit the Attorney E-Filing Access page for more information.
No. The Clerk's Office will prepare a notice of motion setting for any contradictory motion filed with the court.
Yes. allows two options. 1) by ACH (Automated Clearing House) which allows a filer to enter checking account information and the funds will be withdrawn from that account, and 2) by credit card.
Most of your technical issues can be solved by clearing your browser’s cache. Click here for more information about clearing your browser’s cache. If your problem still persists, contact our Help Desk by calling 1-866-323-1011, or emailing us at
No. PACER is a separate entity from the court. Please contact PACER for any login and password issues.