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Court Reporters & Transcripts

Procedures for Requesting Transcripts (Please call the Court Reporter to make arrangements)

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Transcript From a Court Reporter (Appeal)


If you are an appellant, you must follow these procedures. 
  1. Contact the appropriate court reporter to make financial arrangements for the transcript.
  2. Complete information on the transcript order form  (top portion and Part I.)
  3. E-file the form in District Court AND Appeals Court.
  4. Mail or e-mail the form to the court reporter. (You may call the court reporter for an e-mail address.)
  5. The court reporter will complete Part II, file it in the appeals court record, and then prepare the transcript.
  6. the court reporter will file the transcript electonrically in the district court record and forward a copy to you.  The court reporter will then complete Part III and file in the appeals court record.  The next step is for the district court to certifiy the record.

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Transcript From a Court Reporter (Non-Appeal)


To obtain a transcript (non-appeal), follow these procedures. 
  1. Request the transcript (orally or in writing) from the appropriate court reporter. Be sure to provide pertinent information to identify the material to be transcribed. 
  2. After receiving your request, the court reporter will provide an estimate of the cost. You must then make arrangements with the court reporter for payment. 
Once financial arrangements have been made, the court reporter will prepare an original and one copy of the transcript and AO 44 invoice. The court reporter will file the original transcript and AO 44 invoice with the Clerk's Office and provide a copy of the transcript and AO 44 invoice to you.


Transcript Under the Criminal Justice Act


When representing a criminal defendant under the Criminal Justice Act, follow these procedures:
  1. Complete items 1 - 11 on the CJA 24 voucher. (Original signatures are required. You can obtain copies of this form from the U.S. District Clerk's Office.)
  2. PLEASE NOTE:   A separate CJA-24 form should be completed if you are ordering transcripts from both the district court and magistrate court, even if it's in the same case. If several court reporters were utilized to record the proceedings, a separate CJA-24 form should completed for each court reporter.
  3. Forward the completed voucher to the court reporter.
(Note: In multi-defendant cases involving CJA defendants, only one transcript should be purchased from the court reporter on behalf of CJA defendants. See Transcript Rates.)

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Transcript From an Electronic Recording (Magistrate Judge Proceedings)


To request a transcript from an electronic recording, follow these procedures. 
  1. Send a written request to the appropriate magistrate judge's courtroom deputy to make arrangements for transcribing the tape.
  2. The courtroom deputy will provide the tape to a transcriber with your original request. The transcriber will then contact you. You must make financial arrangements with the transcriber at that time. 
Once financial arrangements have been made, the transcriber will prepare an original and one copy of the transcript. The transcriber will provide a copy of the transcript to you and file the original in the Clerk's Office.
You may also purchase a copy of an audio tape by making an oral or written request to the appropriate magistrate judge's courtroom deputy. Follow directions given by the courtroom deputy for picking-up and paying for the tape. Please see the transcription rates for the current fee.

Transcription Rates

Supporting Order


Maximum rates per page - Effective October 1, 2024 for Fiscal Year 2025:

  Original First Copy
To Each Party
Copy to the
Same Party

Ordinary Transcript
A transcript to be delivered within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of an order.


 $4.40  $1.10  $.75

14-Day Transcript
A transcript to be delivered within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of an order.

 $5.10  $1.10  $.75

Expedited Transcript
A transcript to be delivered within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of an order.


 $5.85  $1.10  $.75

3-Day Transcript
A transcript to be delivered within three (3) calendar days after receipt of an order.


 $6.55  $1.30  $.90

Daily Transcript
A transcript to be delivered following adjournment and prior to the normal opening hour of the court on the following morning whether or not it actually is a court day.


 $7.30  $1.45  $1.10

Hourly Transcript
A transcript of proceedings ordered under unusual circumstances to be delivered within two (2) hours.


 $8.70  $1.45  $1.10

Realtime Transcript
A draft unedited transcript produced by a certified realtime reporter as a byproduct of realtime to be delivered electronically during proceedings or immediately following adjournment.

One feed
$3.70 per
page; two-to-
four feeds,
$2.55 per page,
five or more
feeds, $1.80 per

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