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Welcome Jurors

Notice to Jurors

The Federal Courts do not require anyone to provide any sensitive information in a telephone call. Most of our correspondence with you will be through the U.S. Mail. If there is any phone contact, none of our staff will be requesting social security numbers, credit card numbers, or any other sensitive information.  Persons receiving such a telephone call should not provide the requested information, and should notify the U.S. District Clerk's Office in their area.

Jury service

Jury service is one of the most important civic duties you can perform. The protection of rights and liberties in federal courts largely is achieved through the teamwork of judge and jury. You do not need any knowledge of the legal system to be a juror.  Click here for more information about Juror Service in Federal Court.

Juror Qualification Questionnaire Postcard

Every four (4) years the Clerk of Court for the Western District of Louisiana retrieves voter registration lists from the Secretary of State to build a Master Jury Wheel. From the Master Jury Wheel a purely random list of names is created and qualification questionnaires are issued to those individuals. The Western District will initially mail qualification questionnaire postcards with a response deadline of ten (10) days. Non-responders will be issued a paper qualification questionnaire approximately thirty (30) days after the initial mailing. If you have received a qualification postcard (as imaged below), you may click the EJUROR button at the bottom of this page to complete your questionnaire.  


Juror Orientation Video - "Called to Serve"

Important Juror E-mail addresses








JURY PLAN - For US District Court, Western District of Louisiana