U.S. District Clerk of Courts Western District of Louisiana
Statement of Work (SOW) Carpet
The U.S. District Court has a courtroom and ancillary area located at 300 Fannin St. Suite 1167, Shreveport, La. This area contains approximately 3,000 square feet courtroom area which needs cyclical maintenance upgrades. At this time the Court would like to remove all carpeting and replace.
Coordination between the court and carpet contractors will be required to phase the work with minimum disruption of schedules to employees and contractors. The contractor will be responsible to remove and replace the furniture including benches and pedestal jury chairs with floor anchors from and back to the area. Temporary storage of the furniture can be done in an area outside of the courtroom. This project quote will be based on a brand name or equal product.
1. Existing Carpet
- Remove and replace the furniture including benches with floor anchors from and back to the area.
- Remove and dispose of all existing carpet.
- The contractor shall prepare floors to receive industry standard installation of direct glue carpet.
- The contractor shall supply and provide industry standard carpet meeting the minimum specifications with a maximum cost ceiling of $45 per square yard.
- Work areas are always to be kept clean.
- All walls, door frames, and baseboard moldings are to be protected from damage from carpet handling.
- All material and workmanship shall meet building standards.
- All trash is the contractor’s responsibility to be removed from site daily. Building dumpsters shall not be used for disposal.
2. New Carpet
a. New carpet shall meet or exceed the following commercial carpet specifications.
Bentley Terme Custom Color# 1055858-010
(included rep info Jodi.Gennaro@bentleymills.com for custom color)
Product Code: 8TM3006213
Construction: Tufted Tip-Sheared
Fiber: Bentley Premium™â
Dye Method: COLORCAST™â
Backing & Size: Easy Street Cushion Broadloom 12 ft (3.66 m)
Pattern Repeat: 9 in W x 9 in L 22.86 cm W x 22.86 cm L
Yarn Weight: 30 oz/yd²
Machine Gauge: 1/12 in (47.2 ends/10 cm)
Pile Height (High): 0.216 in
Pile Height (Medium): 0.162 in
Pile Height (Low): 0.106 in
Stitches: 13.3 /in - 52.4 ends/10cm
Pile Density: 6484 oz/yd³
Total Weight: 85 oz/yd² - 2882 g/m²
Total Thickness: 0.388 in - 9.9 mm
Radiant Panel: Passes Class 1, ≥ 0.45 W/cm² (ASTM-E648)
Smoke Density: < 450 Dm corr (ASTM-E662), Flaming
Static: ≤ 3.5 kV (AATCC-134), Step
Flammability: Passes Methenamine Pill Test (CPSC-FF1-70)
All quotes shall include carpet specifications and suggested manufacture, style, and 10 colors.
Deliverables will be sent FOB: Destination by 5:00pm (CST) on due dates (see Section 3.1) to the following contracting officer’s representative:
Glenn Richard
US District Court
300 Fannin St. Suite 1167
Shreveport, La. 71101
Email address: glenn_richard @lawd.uscourts.gov
Deliverable 1 Carpeting replacement of 3,000 Sq ft Courtroom Area
- Remove and replace the furniture including, anchored pedestal jury chairs, jury footrest, and benches with floor anchors.
- Remove and dispose carpet.
- Prepare floors to receive industry standard installation of direct glue.
- Supply and install carpet equal to or exceeding the minimum specifications with a maximum cost ceiling of $45 per square yard.
Overall Period of Performance: From 8/2023 to11/2023
Note: This period of performance takes into consideration the deliverable and review schedule and allows for moderate delays.
Deliverable 1
Carpeting replacement of 3,000 Sq ft Courtroom Area
30 calendar days from award
Deliverable 1
Carpeting replacement of 3,000 Sq ft Courtroom Area
3 calendar days after receipt
Deliverable 1
Carpeting replacement of 3,000 Sq ft Courtroom Area
Upon successful completion
- The contractor shall insure that all refuse is disposed offsite by the contractor and on-site dumpsters are not to be used for this purpose.
- The contractor shall insure that all work areas are kept clean and safe.
- Designated contractor is responsible for all subcontractors and their performance.
- The contractor shall insure proper dress attire for the business environment.
- The contractor shall take precautions to protect all surfaces from the need to be repainted. Negligence shall be the responsibility of the contractor to repair.
- MSDS shall be provided and posted in binder at worksite.
The location of delivery and performance will be:
US District Court
300 Fannin Street
Suite 1167
Shreveport, La. 71101
- The Judiciary will provide a representative for access to secure areas.
- The Judiciary will provide final acceptance of installation once attained.
- The contractor shall provide the necessary knowledge, tools, materials and qualified labor as specified in the SOW.
- MSDS shall be provided and posted in binder at worksite.
- Contractor Insurance. Each of Delegatee’s construction contractors who perform any work on the property shall obtain and maintain insurance policies which meet or exceed the following insurance terms, conditions, requirements and coverages. Delegatee’s contractors shall obtain and maintain liability insurance in an amount of not less than $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for accidents or occurrences which cause bodily injury, death or property damage to any member of the public caused by or related to the construction, installation, operation, maintenance replacement, removal or other activity related to the property. The insurance policy shall name the General Services Administration, its employees and officials, as their interest may appear, as additional insureds. A copy of the policy’s Additional Insured document must be provided to the GSA Building Manager prior to commencement of any work.
- Damages and Indemnity. The Delegatee shall repair or pay for all actual damages done to the GSA Property and improvements or to the improvements of the GSA’s tenants caused by work performed under the Delegation. Delegatee agrees to defend and remain responsible (financially and otherwise) for all claims, disputes, appeals and other legal actions arising out of actions of the Delegatee’s personnel, contractors and other agents.
- Personal Injury or Personal Property Claims. The Delegatee acknowledges that GSA will have no responsibility or liability, either directly or indirectly for any personal injury, and/or personal property damage claims against the Government that arise out of or relate to the performance of the work at the Facility under the terms of this Delegation. Delegatee will be the lead federal agency responsible for the administrative handling of any tort claim(s) filed pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 2671, et seq.).
- The contractor may submit invoices upon receiving written acceptance from the judiciary contracting officer or contracting officer’s representative (COR) at final acceptance of project completion: